Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Wally Winthrop (Abbie Cornish) is a lonely New York housewife in 2001, who is neglected by her doctor husband, William Winthrop (Richard Coyle). She finds solace in the love story of King Edward VIII (James D'Arcy) and his lover, Wallis Simpson (Andrea Riseborough). Wally travels to the Sotheby's auction of the Windsor Estate, show casing items used by Wallis and Edward in their lifetime, and reminisces about their relationship. In 1930, Edward throws a party at his new home in Fort Belvedere, in Windsor Great Park where he met Wallis through his mistress, Lady Furness (Katie McGrath). The two develop a mutual attraction for each other, in spite of Wallis being married at that time to Ernest Simpson, and become lovers while Lady Furness travelled abroad.

Wally's reminiscences are interrupted by Sotheby's guard Evgeni (Oscar Isaac), who takes a liking towards her. She urges her husband to have a child together which he denies and Wallis suspects him of having an affair. On accusing him, William hits Wally. Edward and Wallis continue their love affair while touring throughout Europe, where he gifts her with a number of jewels and assumes the initials W.E. By the end of 1934, Edward was irretrievably besotted with Wallis. He decides to introduce Wallis to his parents, King George V (James Fox) and Queen Mary (Judy Parfitt), but Wallis is portrayed in a bad light by Edward's sister-in-law Elizabeth (Natalie Dormer). A distraught Wallis wants to end the relationship but Edward pacifies her.

Wally goes for In vitro fertilisation for getting pregnant. She gradually becomes attracted to Evgeni and goes out on a date with him. She asks Evgeni about Edward and Wallis, while pondering on her own relationship with William, which deteriorates further resulting one night where he beats and leaves her dying on the floor. The government of England did not recognize the relationship of Edward and Wallis, since the latter was a divorcee and on the night of December 11, 1936, Edward made a broadcast to the nation and the Empire, explaining his decision to abdicate his throne to his brother Bertie (Laurence Fox). He said, "I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as king as I would wish to do without the help and support of the woman I love." Wallis, who had fled to Villa Lou Viei, near Cannes, heard of this and had no choice other than join Edward.

Evgeni, who had been calling Wally after their date, runs to her apartment to check her and finds her on the floor. He takes her to his home in Brooklyn and nurses her back to life. Wally finds a new hope and new direction in life. She falls in love with Evgeni, divorces William and moves on with her life. An imaginary monologue with Wallis shows the two women talking about their lives, how they thought that they were similar, but in the end Wally found happiness. Through a series of letters from Wallis kept in millionaire Mohamed Al-Fayed's collection, Wally comes to realize how the Duchess was stuck in a relationship with Edward, for the rest of her life.

Wally leaves behind her fascination with Wallis and Edward's relationship, and comes to know from her doctor that she was pregnant with Evgeni's baby.


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