Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The Grey

John Ottway (Liam Neeson) works in Alaska, killing wolves that threaten an oil drilling team. On his last day on the job, he shoots one—as it dies, wounded to death and heavily breathing, Ottway approaches and gently strokes it. Ottway that evening writes to his wife, Ana (Anne Openshaw), a letter "without purpose" explaining his plans to commit suicide. However, at the decisive moment, he hears a distant wolf howl and he doesn't follow through. The next day, the plane carrying the team, including Ottway, crashes in a blizzard. Ottway sees a vision of his wife urging him not to feel afraid, and awakens to find one of the team, Lewenden (James Badge Dale), mortally wounded. Ottway calms him, and Lewenden dies. Talget (Dermot Mulroney) insists on saying "some words" for those who died. Taking charge, Ottway sets the survivors the task of building a fire. While doing this, he discovers a corpse, and is attacked by the gray wolf feeding on it. After saving Ottway, the group surmises that they are in the wolves' territory. They decide to take turns keeping watch for the predators.

Later, Hernandez (Ben Bray) falls asleep on watch and is killed by two wolves, and the group discovers his body in the morning. Ottway suggests they leave the crash site because the wolves are defending their territory, but Diaz (Frank Grillo) questions his leadership. While searching for the wallets of their deceased colleagues, intending to return them to their families, Diaz finds an emergency wrist watch containing a radio beacon. The group then leaves the site. While walking through the snow, Flannery (Joe Anderson) falls behind, and is killed by wolves. One of the group sees a pack of wolves approaching, and the survivors run for the trees, lighting a fire in an attempt to ward off their attackers. The group sets about producing makeshift weaponry, and Diaz threatens Ottway with a knife, but is disarmed. An omega wolf sent by the pack leader to test them attacks, but they kill and roast it for food. Diaz, as a symbol of defiance, cuts the head off the cooking corpse and throws the head back at the pack, a move noted by the group as unwise, as wolves are the only creatures known to take revenge. Howls erupt all around them and then die down. While sitting around the fire, Diaz tells the group of his atheist beliefs, and Talget states he believes in God. Diaz scoffs, "That fairy tale!" Ottway states he is also an atheist, but wishes he could believe. He also recites a simple four-line untitled poem written by his father: "Once more into the fray...". A blizzard approaches, and the survivors set to maintaining the fire.

In the morning, Burke (Nonso Anozie), who had been suffering from hypoxia, is found dead. The remaining survivors leave the camp, and travel to the edge of a steep canyon. Hendrick secures a line across, and Diaz and Ottway traverse the canyon. Talget, however, is afraid of heights, and loses his glasses. Having been bitten on the hand by the omega wolf sent to test the men, it begins to bleed again, while his foot becomes caught on the rope, which breaks. He falls to the ground and is dragged away by wolves. Diaz attempts to save Talget but fails and injures his knee. The three remaining survivors continue and arrive at a river. There, Diaz explains that he would rather die there than return home to a meaningless life. He refuses offers of help and asks Ottway whether death would bring him comfort. They part company, and Ottway and Hendrick continue on together. Left alone, Diaz hears the wolves approaching. Further long the river, Ottway and Hendrick are set upon by wolves once again. In an attempt to flee, Hendrick falls into the river and is trapped beneath the surface when his foot becomes wedged between two rocks. Ottway attempts to save him but is unsuccessful, and Hendrick drowns.

Ottway, cold and wet, continues on alone. He pauses, and curses God as a fraud, and looking at the sky he demands: "Do something!" Exhausted, and at his wit's end, he stops walking and begins going through the collected wallets of the others seeing photos of them and their loved ones and carefully lays them in a small pile. A noise in the trees draws his attention to the wolves that begin to appear from the treeline, and he realizes he has stumbled right into the wolves' den. Surrounded by the pack, he looks at his wife's photo in his wallet and fades into a memory of her; it is revealed that she is in a hospital bed dying of a terminal illness, explaining why his letter was "without purpose". As the alpha wolf approaches him, he places on the emergency wristwatch and arms himself with a knife and shards of glass from mini whiskey bottles taped to his hand. After reciting his father's poem once more, he lunges at the alpha wolf. In the post-credits scene, a close-up shot of what appears to be the side of the alpha is shown lying horizontally, heavily breathing, apparently wounded to death.


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