Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Final Destination 5

Sam Lawton is on his way to a company retreat with his colleagues. While their bus crosses the North Bay Bridge, Sam has a premonition that the bridge will suffer catastrophic structural failure, causing it to partially collapse, killing him and everyone except his ex-girlfriend. In a panic, he persuades his ex-girlfriend Molly Harper, his friends Nathan Sears and Peter Friedkin, Peter's girlfriend Candice Hooper, his boss Dennis Lapman, Candice's rival Olivia Castle, and coworker Isaac Palmer to leave the bridge before it partially collapses. FBI agent Jim Block does not believe that Sam was responsible for the bridge collapse, but promises to keep his eye on him. Following the memorial service, local coroner William Bludworth mysteriously warns the survivors that they cheated Death. Believing this to be just some nonsense, they ignore his warnings and leave.

Later, Candice goes to gymnastics practice with Peter. A chain reaction causes her to fall off the uneven bars, snapping her spine and killing her, leaving Peter devastated. The next day, Isaac is killed when his head is crushed by a falling Budai statue during an acupuncture session at a Chinese spa. Bludworth, who has been present for both deaths so far, tells the remaining survivors that if they wish to cheat Death, they must kill someone who was never meant to die on the bridge, and thereby claim their remaining lifespan.

On the same day, Olivia goes to the eye surgery clinic to treat her myopic vision. While the eye doctor is out looking for files, the laser malfunctions, searing her eye and hand. She manages to break free as Sam and Molly arrive in an attempt to save her, but they fail after she trips and falls out of the window onto a car, killing her. Later, after Sam and Molly study Death's design, they notice that Nathan is next on Death's list.

Meanwhile, Nathan, who has returned to the plant, accidentally kills his co-worker Roy Carson during an argument by pushing him into the path of a lifting hook, impaling his head. Nathan relays this information to the remaining survivors, who suggest it may mean Nathan was successfully able to claim Roy's remaining lifespan and thus was saved. When Dennis arrives to question Nathan about the incident, he is suddenly killed when he is impaled in the head with a wrench that was launched by a belt sander. That evening, Sam works at the restaurant, becoming very cautious as he moves around. After work he asks his supervisor to reserve the restaurant for a date with Molly.

Peter, who has now become paranoid and insane by Candice's death, interrupts the date in order to inform them that he nearly pushed a stranger in front of a truck after convincing himself that he would be able to kill someone else in order to take their lifespan and thus has decided to kill Molly and take her remaining lifespan for himself. After Peter draws a gun and fires shots, Sam and Molly both escape to the restaurant's kitchen. Outside, Agent Block overhears the shots and enters the restaurant, arriving during the confrontation but is killed by Peter. Believing he is now safe from Death for taking Block's lifespan, he decides to kill both Molly and Sam to remove any witnesses. After some violent struggling, Peter is about to stab Molly with a kitchen knife, but Sam kills him by stabbing him in the back with a large rotisserie before he can harm Molly.

Two weeks later, Sam and Molly are boarding a Boeing 747 to Paris, France. As they are about to take their seats, a fight breaks out between two passengers, revealed to be Carter Horton and Alex Browning, resulting in their removal from the plane with several other passengers. The plane that Sam and Molly are boarding is revealed to be Volee Airlines Flight 180. In mid-air, before realizing they are too late to save themselves, both are killed in the resulting accident. Meanwhile, at Roy's memorial, Nathan learns from a co-worker, John, that Roy's autopsy had revealed that he had a previously unknown brain aneurysm, and that doctors said he would be dead "any day now". As Nathan starts thinking that perhaps he had not saved himself, the landing gear from Flight 180 crashes through the roof of the building and crushes him.


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