Friday, May 15, 2015

Upstream Color

At a club, Kris (Amy Seimetz) is tasered and kidnapped by a criminal narcotics producer (mentioned in the credits as the "Thief"). He drugs her, inducing a sort of hypnotic susceptibility, which causes an extremely suggestible mental state that the Thief then exploits. He uses an elaborate set of distractions, such as getting her to create a paper chain where each link features a transcription from the novel Walden, in order to distract her while performing his mind control. He eventually manipulates her to liquidate her home equity and steals a fair sized collection of rare coins. Through hypnotic suggestion, Kris is prevented from consuming solid foods. She is only allowed to drink small portions of water at regulated intervals, which she is compelled to perceive as extremely refreshing and delicious. The drug administered to Kris contains a live roundworm—harvested from larvae found among the leaves of the Thief's special, blue-tinged orchid flowers—that subsequently infects Kris's system. She is released from her hypnotic state by the Thief, presumably through the act of resuming the consumption of solid foods. Kris binges ravenously and falls asleep in soiled clothes. She awakes in her home to find one or several large roundworms visibly crawling under her skin. She unsuccessfully attempts to remove them by using a kitchen knife.

Later, a pig farmer and avid field recorder—the "Sampler"—lures Kris to his farm using infrasonics, which attracts the worm. The Sampler silently sets up a transfusion through which he transfers the worm from Kris's body into that of a young pig. Kris then awakens in an abandoned SUV on the freeway with no memory of these recent traumatic events. Upon arriving at her disordered house, she quizzically notices blood on her sheets and floors and considers calling the police. She realizes she has nothing informative to tell them and stops dialing. After cleaning up, she heads to work where she is promptly fired for her unexplained absence. A trip to the grocery store reveals to Kris that her personal funds are gone, evidently stolen by the Thief.

A year later, Kris meets a man named Jeff (Shane Carruth) on a train and unknowingly connects with him on a metaphysical level. Kris and Jeff meet several times before finally spending the night with each other, and afterward realize they both retain identical stitching scars from the aforementioned, forgotten, transfusions. The two of them soon realize that they both had similar experiences; Jeff lost his job as a broker due to shifting company funds around to cover for money stolen from him and attributes the incident to a psychotic break. The two of them start feeling each other's physical pain and emotions as well. Kris feels that she is pregnant, but upon consultation with a doctor, is diagnosed with having had endometrial cancer that was cured and removed. The supposed cancer, she is told, is no longer a threat to her body, but it has rendered her infertile and she is unable to conceive. As Jeff and Kris continue their relationship, the two of them strangely begin to remember each other's personal histories as their own.

The Sampler finds that the pig containing Kris's worm has now given birth to piglets. He throws the piglets into a burlap sack and tosses them into a river. This event somehow seems linked to the emotional states of Jeff and Kris; Jeff spontaneously beats two of his co-workers while Kris frantically searches as if she'd lost something. The two, in their panicked state, reunite and travel to Kris's place, where they gather supplies, including a gun, and make camp in her bathroom's tub, expecting the worst. Meanwhile, the sack of piglets is seen rotting away and a blue substance bursts from the piglets' open wounds, filling the surrounding waters, from which orchids have emerged. The orchids eventually turn the same color blue and are collected by farmers, who sell the plants in the neighborhood where the Thief operates.

Kris and Jeff start becoming sensitive to sound and discover that Kris has been mumbling the text of Walden for some time now—the moment the two start to piece together what happened to them both. Subconsciously, Kris and Jeff come to remember sounds associated with the pig farm, as the Sampler was known for playing his sound compositions around the pigs. In a dreamlike sequence, Kris, Jeff, and the Sampler all sit down at the same table in a bare, white room; the scene cuts suddenly back to the pig farm, where Kris guns down the Sampler at point-blank range. Kris and Jeff collect a box of written records revealing others who have had the worm injected into their bodies and the two summon these other past victims to the farm by sending them copies of Walden. The farm is thereafter remodeled and the pigs are better cared for; as a result, no more pigs are drowned, the orchids in the river no longer turn blue, and the Thief is deprived of the roundworms for his drug.


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