Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Best Man Holiday

Mia Sullivan (Monica Calhoun), wife of Lance Sullivan (Morris Chestnut) , has written letters requesting the gangs attendance for Christmas: Harper Stewart (Taye Diggs) and his nine-month pregnant wife Robin (Sanaa Lathan), Julian and Candace (Harold Perrineau and Regina Hall), her best friend Jordan Armstrong (Nia Long) and boyfriend Brian (Eddie Cibrian), Quentin (Terrence Howard), and Shelby (Melissa De Sousa). Now that all the friends have arrived at the house the celebration begins. At dinner, the old friends catch up with each other while tensions ensue between Shelby and Candace.

Years after Harper's debut novel, he seems to have stumbled upon writer's block and financial constraints as well as pressure from his agency to come up with newer and better material for his next book. His agent suggests he write a biography on Lance, who is set to retire from football and that because of their friendship, it'll be easier for Harper to be able to gain from writing about Lance. Also because the timing would be perfect given Lance's decision to retire. The Murch family also seems to be doing well, Jullian having opened the school that he had worked hard to establish with his wife, former stripper Candace (who has kept her maiden name) as his head of admissions. However his main donor decides to withdraw his relationship with the school, reason being that he has been made aware of Candace's past and out of fear of risking his reputation as a man with morals he'd rather cut all ties with Jullian and the school. It is then that Jullian sees a video on youtube showing his wife at a fraternity party accepting money for sex. In the Stewart household, Harper is frustrated and stressed out as he goes through a heap of past due bills and letters of demand, however being a proud man he chooses not to tell Robin and also decides to pursue writing Lance's autobiography without telling anybody. Shelby is also living the life she dreamed of as she is now part of the social elite and is a prominent reality tv personality, a cast member of the real housewives tv show franchise, also a self-proclaimed notorious reality tv star. Robin is still insecure with regards to Harper and Jordon's friendship. Q is now a successful brand manager and is heavily connected to prominent celebrities.

Upon arrival at the Sullivan household, Harper notices a dramatic weight loss in Mia however he brushes it off and focus on the reunion as well as gathering enough information about Lance in order to write the autobiography.

The next day, Brian says goodbye to Jordan to go meet his family in Vermont. Jordan coldly replies to Brian that while she loves him, she doesn’t need him. Meanwhile, Robin requests Harper to get groceries for the next night's dinner. While Lance is at a team meeting, Harper, Q, and Murch go to the store, where Harper's credit card is declined. Q asks him if he's having any money trouble, but Harper lies and says he isn’t. That night after dinner, the guys perform "Can You Stand the Rain" air band style for the ladies to great response. All of the couples in the house have sex that night, while Q sends photos of his privates to Shelby. Harper goes down to the kitchen, where he and Jordan make some small talk, and Jordan says she knows that Harper is writing a bio on Lance.

As Harper is headed back to bed, he finds Mia throwing up blood. Mia reveals to Harper that she is dying of cancer, and has had the illness for over a year. After Lance walks in on the two talking, Mia explains to Lance that Harper knows; however, they both ask Harper to keep the condition a secret from everyone else. The next morning at breakfast Q and Shelby mix up their phones. Because Q had watched some of Candace's video, Shelby becomes aware of the video and attempts to use this to her advantage to get back with Murch. Candace then confronts Shelby and a catfight breaks out, causing Candace to leave the house with her and Murch's kids. The guys all head to Lance’s football practice where Q and Murch almost come to blows in back of the car. While at the practice Q explains to Murch that the video is part of the territory when marrying a stripper. Back at the house the ladies are preparing for a spa day, when Mia collapses while trying to hang a Christmas ornament. Robin and Jordan send Harper a text telling him to come home, which forces Harper to tell the rest of the friends what's going on. As Lance is leaving practice, his friends all embrace him and they head home.

Back at the house, everyone spends time with Mia. While Harper is wrapping gifts, Lance approaches him and the two reminisce about funny memories of their college days. As a result, the two seem to move on from their past tribulations. The next day the gang heads to a shelter where they are volunteering. Q is Santa Claus, while Harper and Lance seem to be as close as they were in the old days. After the volunteer work is done, Lance finds Harper's iPad and journal in Mia's purse and sees a mock book cover for his own unauthorized bio on the tablet. Lance confronts Harper and tells him to stay away from him and his family. Mia tries to no avail to calm Lance down. Later, Q and Harper are the only ones left at the shelter. The two get to talking when Q asks Harper if he is in any financial trouble. Harper finally breaks down and admits that he is.

Back at Lance and Mia's house, Lance is still heated over the bio when Mia confronts him. In regards to Lance and Harper's long-lasting feud, Mia explains how she's just to blame as much as Harper is. Mia reveals to Lance that she slept with Harper even though she knew how much it would hurt Lance as she was sick of Lance cheating on her. Mia then takes off her wig, showing just how severe her condition really is. Outside of the house, Robin is going through some of Mia’s old baby things when Candace returns with the kids. Candace and Murch make up, as Candace reveals to Murch she only performed "extra services" for a customer once and has regretted it ever since. That night everyone is gathered around the fireplace listening to all the kids sing Christmas carols. Harper and Q return, with Harper making amends with Robin.

The next day is Christmas and Lance's big game. Brian returns to be with Jordan, and the two make up. The ladies all watch the game together as a family in Mia and Lance's bedroom, while all of the guys go to the game. At the game, Lance starts a troublesome first half. Mia calls Harper to speak to Lance, inspiring him to ultimately break the all-time rushing record in a game-winning performance. After the game, the men rush home (courtesy of a police escort) in order for Lance to say goodbye to Mia before she dies.

At the funeral, everyone is pretty emotional except for Lance. Shelby gives Julian a check for two million dollars, covering the school expenses he didn't get when the donor pulled out. In return, she asks that they arrange a play date for their children. Inside the church, Harper gives a very heartfelt eulogy and it isn't until at the burial that Lance finally breaks down as Mia's casket is lowered into the ground. Harper witnesses this from a distance and runs to Lance's aid, comforting him. Back at the house, everyone seems to have made up as they realize what's really important in life. Outside, Harper and Lance make up and become friends once again – concluding a 14+ year feud. Meanwhile, Brian tells Murch that he knows of some additional investors to help with the funding of the school. Suddenly Robin's water breaks, so Lance, Harper, and Candace all rush to the hospital; however, they get stuck in traffic and Lance delivers the baby in the back of his SUV. In the end, Robin delivers a healthy baby girl, and is named Mia in honor of their deceased friend.

Ten months later, Harper and Lance are closer than ever and Harper has written Lance's autobiography. It's also apparent that Lance is the baby's godfather as he visits Harper and Robin at their house in New York. Harper gets a phone call from Q, and Lance tells him to put in on speaker. Q reveals to Lance and Harper that he's getting married, but not before telling Harper that he better not have had sex with her.


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