The movie begins in Murphysboro, Illinois, with Tammy (Melissa McCarthy) driving to work when she suddenly strikes a deer, causing significant damage to her vehicle. Once she arrives at work, her boss, Keith (Ben Falcone), fires her for repeatedly showing up late for her shift at Topper Jacks. Upon leaving, Tammy indignantly causes a scene by contaminating or stealing food. After her car dies on the way home on Illinois Route 13, she eventually arrives to find her husband, Greg (Nat Faxon), eating a romantic meal with their neighbor (Toni Collette). Upset, Tammy leaves and walks two doors down to her parents' house.
She tells her mother, Deb (Allison Janney), about her plans to leave and takes her grandmother Pearl's (Susan Sarandon) car. Pearl requests to come along. Tammy initially refuses but ultimately agrees when Pearl states that she has a large sum of cash. Tammy has beer with Pearl, and the next morning they wake up near a park where Pearl convinces Tammy not to go back home. Pearl decides to go to Niagara Falls.
Along the way the two stop in Louisville, Kentucky, Tammy encounters Earl and his son Bobby and an armed robbery of a Topper Jack's. She converses with employees Becky (Sarah Baker) and Larry (Rich Williams). After this with the help of Pearl's wealthy eccentric cousin Lenore (Kathy Bates) They destroy the car to hide the evidence from the robbery. The two then stay at the home of Lenore and her wife, Susanne (Sandra Oh). At a 4th of July party thrown at the house, Pearl gets drunk and humiliates Tammy by making rude comments about her weight and appearance in front of all the guests. After Tammy runs off to the dock on the lake by the house, Lenore follows her to both comfort her and offer her some tough love, telling her to stop complaining and stop allowing herself to be a victim. She tells Tammy that if she wants to make things better for herself she needs to get up on her own two feet and work hard to make it happen. Later in the morning, Tammy brought coffee to Pearl who is asleep outside. Thinking she was dead because she is not breathing, Tammy cried with sorry and asked help from Leonore and Susanne, but then Pearl stand up indicating she is alive and was sent to the hospital. Tammy is eventually convicted but released from prison 38 days later and her dad (Dan Aykroyd) picks her up. He offers to kill Greg for her, though she declines.
Tammy goes home and finds that Greg and his mistress have packed Tammy's belongings. She and Greg agree to an amicable divorce. She walks down the street to her parents' place and finds out that Pearl is now living in Brookview Retirement Home. Tammy goes to Brookview to break her out, but Pearl is actually happy there. She has been attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings at the home and she is dating one of the men there. However, they do still take a trip to Niagara Falls. Bobby surprises Tammy there and they kiss. Tammy tells him about her choice to move to Louisville to get a fresh start in life and be closer to him.
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