Saturday, May 16, 2015

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones

In June 2012, in Oxnard, California, recent high school graduate Jesse lives with his father and grandmother; in the apartment below lives Ana, who everyone believes is a witch. One night, Ana is found murdered, and the police suspect that Oscar, a former classmate of Jesse, is the culprit because Oscar is seen fleeing from Ana's apartment before her body was discovered. Jesse and his friend, Hector, decide to find out what Ana's apartment looks like. They find black magic rituals and a picture of Jesse. They also discover several VHS tapes—including tapes from the childhood of Katie & Kristi. They also find a journal of spells, including one that discusses temporal doorways that take people in time and into evil and "unholy" locations.

The next morning, Jesse finds a mysterious bite on his arm. Later, he and his friend Hector are confronted by two thugs who attack them, but the thugs are somehow knocked out by Jesse. When they show the incident to their other friend Marisol, Jesse cannot remember how it happened. After some strange activity, he comes to believe that he has superhuman abilities. At a party, Jesse and Hector meet Penelope, whom Jesse takes to Ana's apartment in order to have sex. Penelope opens a trap door in the apartment and is attacked by Oscar as he emerges from it. Penelope runs away, and Jesse confronts Oscar, who has oily black eyes and an identical bite mark on his arm. Oscar tells Jesse that if they killed themselves they won't harm those who they love. When Oscar runs away, Jesse gives chase but is unable to prevent Oscar from leaping to his death.

Jesse, Marisol and Hector inspect the hidden room below the trap door and find an altar draped in witch paraphernalia as well as photos of Oscar, Jesse, and his family. One photo shows Jesse's mother, pregnant with Jesse, standing between Anna and Lois, Katie and Kristi's grandmother. Over a few days of strange activity, Jesse exhibits odd behavioral changes and becomes sullen, moody, and dark. The family dog, Chavo, disappears, and, believing that he hears it whining in the trap door basement in Ana's apartment, Jesse heads down to rescue his dog. The shadow figure stands still without alerting Jesse who is unaware it is a trap. Jesse enters the basement and calls his dog, but instead he finds the ghostly figures of young Katie and Kristi. Frightened, he tries to flee the basement but the hatch closes, trapping Jesse.

After banging the hatch and shouting for help, Jesse turns his camera forward and hears Young Kristi's voice saying: 'He's ready for you' accompanying with some distant crying noises. Jesse begin to realize that he's not alone, he sees a silhouette emerging after some distant crying noises stopped then got quiet for a moment. Sudden thumping footsteps approach Jesse as the demonic shadowy figure charges at Jesse, unleashing a horrifying demonic roar that cause Jesse to scream as the figure attacks him. Jesse collapses and the camera falls on the floor, where nothing is heard before it cuts out. Soon after, Hector goes to visit Jesse and finds the word 'meus' (previously shown, the Rey house the morning after Kristi is possessed) written on Jesse's bedroom wall. Jesse enters his room and coldly tells Hector they are not best friends.

Jesse becomes extremely dark and violent; he tortures Chavo and severely injures his grandmother after she tries to save him by using her religious beliefs. Hector and Marisol seek help from Oscar's brother, Arturo, and find that Oscar had been in contact with Ali Rey, who had researched demons after her father and step-mother were killed and half-brother kidnapped by Katie. Ali tells Hector and Marisol that Jesse has been "marked" by coven witches called "The Midwives" who are using demons to create an army of possessed young men, which Ali means that Jesse won't be himself anymore. Ali gives Hector and Marisol an address where a final ritual is to take place. Hector and Marisol head to the address, but the car suddenly dies and get attacked by a now-possessed Jesse, whom they manage to knock out. Hector and Marisol decide to take him to the hospital but Hector's car is suddenly rammed by a truck. Hector and Marisol are knocked out and Jesse is taken by whomever was driving the truck.

After regaining consciousness, Hector and Marisol returns to Arturo and his friend, Santo, and ask for help to find Jesse. The group head to the address Ali gave them, which is Grandma Lois's house, where Katie's and Kristi's mother and her boyfriend were killed. There, they find stables in the yard and items that suggest people were being held captive. An imprisoned woman springs up behind Marisol, pleading for help, when suddenly the coven attack, killing Santo. Dressed in black, the witches advance on Marisol, Arturo and Hector with knives but Arturo manages to kill several witches using his shotgun and allow Marisol and Hector to flee into the house.

Hector and Marisol lock themselves inside Lois's home. Outside every window and door they see members of the coven just standing there and waiting for them, so they remain inside. Hector leaves Marisol for a moment and she disappears. He frantically searches the house for her when her dead body crashes through a glass ceiling. Jesse appears and lets out a demonic roar as Jesse chases Hector upstairs into a room with a strange wooden door in it. The door frame is marked with the coven's triangular symbol and the handle is in the center of the door itself. As Jesse crashes into the room, Hector flees through this doorway. After some camera interference, Hector finds himself back in time at the household of Katie and Micah, on the night that Katie finally succumbed to the demon. Hector sees Katie descend the stairs and pleads for her to help him. Instead, she grabs a knife and screams for Micah, who attacks Hector under assumption that he is an intruder. As Micah is stabbed to death by Katie, Hector tries to flee from the house but is attacked and killed offscreen by a possessed Jesse, who unleashes a demonic roar and the camera falls to the ground. With the camera still rolling, a witch picks it up staring blankly into it, then switches it off.


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