Wednesday, May 13, 2015


The film begins with an introductory sequence involving the main characters and images from space and introducing many of the film's visual leitmotifs. The film continues in two parts.

Part One: "Justine"
Newlyweds Justine and Michael arrive two hours late to their own reception at the family estate where Justine's sister, Claire, and her husband, John, reside. Justine happens to notice a particularly bright red star in the twilight sky which John identifies as Antares.

Over the course of the evening, Justine is frustrated by various personal and professional difficulties. Her mother, Gaby, insults her in a toast. Justine's boss repeatedly harasses her to write better ad copy. Claire becomes frustrated with Justine and chastises her for not reacting to the reception with the joy she had anticipated. Justine drifts away from the party several times. Michael attempts to console Justine with a wedding present – an apple orchard – but Justine seems unmoved. When she and Michael retreat to their room for the evening, she brushes off his advances and goes walking on the grounds where she has sex with a coworker. At the end of the party, Michael abandons her. At dawn the next day, Justine reluctantly goes horseback riding with her sister Claire when she notices that the bright red star has disappeared.

Part Two: "Claire"
Justine has become severely depressed and stays with Claire and John. Justine is, in fact, almost catatonic and unable even to bathe herself.

John explains that the reason for Antares' disappearance was the rogue planet Melancholia blocking the star from view. Melancholia, a large blue planet that had formerly been hidden behind the sun, becomes visible in the sky as it approaches ever closer to Earth. John is excited about the planet and looks forward to the "fly-by" predicted by scientists.

Claire becomes very fearful that the end of the world is imminent in spite of her husband's reassurances that everyone will be safe. She searches the Internet and finds an article predicting that the movements of Melancholia around the Earth will bring the two planets into a full-on collision soon afterward. Justine claims to possess a kind of special insight or intuition. She tells Claire that life on Earth is evil and that Melancholia is here to bring it all to an end. On the night of the fly-by it seems that Melancholia will merely pass very near without striking the Earth. The next day, however, Claire realizes that Melancholia is circling back and will collide with Earth after all. She searches for John and finds him dead of an apparent suicide.

Faced with the impending collision, Claire becomes distraught and suggests getting together on the terrace with wine and music. In response, a surprisingly calm and upbeat Justine dismisses her idea before going to comfort Claire's son, Leo. She makes him a protective magic teepee on the lawn of the estate. Justine, Claire and Leo enter the rickety wooden shelter as the planet Melancholia looms large. In the final seconds, a shockwave with fire overcomes the characters, destroying the Earth, as shown in the introductory sequence.


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