Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Exit Strategy

James (Jameel Saleem), likeable but irresponsible, moves in with his take-charge girlfriend of three months Kim (Kimelia Weathers), and quickly discovers she’s everything he never wanted in a woman. With advice from his childhood best friends and second-hand goods store co-workers Carville (Quincy "QDeezy" Harris) and Leona (Noelle Balfour), he tries to make the relationship work instead of being homeless; but may have to be resigned to his new life and living situation: chores and no football on Sundays, snoring instead of sleep, and no TV in the bedroom—ever! But after a disastrous dinner with Kim’s father, and on the advice of high-schooler Scoop, strangers Big Boy and customer Mannequin Head Man (Kevin Hart), James tries to get her to break up with him but still let him sleep on the couch. It doesn’t work, and James has to tell Kim the painful truth, making her realize he wasn’t what she wanted after all.


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