Saturday, May 16, 2015

Endless Love

The movie opens with a scene from a high school graduation, class of 2014. Jade Butterfield (Gabriella Wilde), a shy but beautiful young woman, is graduating and will be attending Brown University in the fall. After the ceremony, it's clear that she does not have any friends. Jade rejoins her family while reminiscing about her brother, Chris, who passed away from cancer. David Elliot (Alex Pettyfer) observes her from a distance. He has had a crush on her throughout high school, but never had the courage to speak to her.

Jade, her parents Hugh (Bruce Greenwood) and Anne (Joely Richardson), and her brother Keith (Rhys Wakefield) stop at an upscale restaurant for lunch after the graduation. While exiting the car, Jade bumps into David, who works as a valet at the restaurant. David mentions how they were classmates and she asks him to sign her empty yearbook. Inside the restaurant, Jade asks her parents for a party as a graduation present since she hasn't socialized with her peers before. After her parents approve, Jade excitedly invites David to her party. After accepting her invite, David brings her on a brief joy ride in the car of a snobby guest, which thrills Jade. She and her family also observe David getting fired for getting into a physical altercation with the pretentious client when they return.

Jade's requested party disappoints her at first when only her father's wealthy, middle-aged friends show up. David arrives and informs Jade that her former classmates are at another graduation party occurring that same evening. David gets a large crowd of their peers to attend Jade's party by calling in a false noise complaint with the police, which effectively shuts down the other event. The party becomes a success, and after bonding that night, Jade and David sneak into a closet to share a kiss. Hugh, slightly upset with the presence of the teenagers, gathers everybody together for a speech about how proud he is of Jade. When called for, Jade sheepishly comes out of the closet followed by David, stunning everyone. Her father completes the toast, thanking everyone for coming then politely asking them all to leave.

While leaving, David introduces himself and apologizes to Hugh, aware of his bad first impression. He makes it clear to him that he truly cares for Jade. Jade secretly listens to this conversation from inside the house and smiles at his words. As David leaves, Jade runs after him for a passionate kiss, beginning their romance.

David, who works at his father's garage, tries to please Hugh by fixing a broken car that has sentimental value to him. In return, Anne invites David to dinner, at which Hugh reveals to David that Jade is leaving for an internship soon. When asked of his future plans, David says that he isn't going to attend college despite having passed his exams and just wants to find true love. While Anne is impressed, Hugh is displeased since he finds it unrealistic. As David is leaving, Jade throws him a paper plane from her balcony asking him to come back inside the house when the lights are off. That night, David sees Jade waiting for him in a negligee. David assures her that they can wait, but Jade insists she wants to have sex. Afterwards, it becomes clear that they are in love.

The next day, Jade declines her father's invite to observe a surgery at the hospital. Her father is taken aback by her not following his wishes in preparing herself for a career in medicine. Jade meets David and explains that she cannot pass up the internship, which she is leaving for in ten days. David just wants to spend their remaining time together. A montage shows them enjoying each other’s company with reckless abandon. After their last evening together, Jade decides to spend the summer with him. When her father finds her unpacking, he knows it’s because of David and is furious.

The next morning, Jade's father announces that their family is going to the lake house, which upsets Jade. Shortly after they arrive, David unexpectedly shows up and reveals that Jade invited him. Hugh tries insisting that he has to leave, to which Jade boldly declares that David is going to stay. When Hugh talks to Anne about Jade's new rebellious behavior, Anne says that she is pleased to finally see her daughter truly happy since Chris had died. Hugh later apologizes to David for being unwelcoming. David decides to apply to college, and Anne offers to write a letter of recommendation that should greatly help his chances of admission. That night, when Jade, David, Keith and Keith’s girlfriend are outside playing with fireworks, David catches Hugh cheating on his wife in the garage and leaves in shock. The next morning, Hugh takes David out in a boat and intimidates him into remaining quiet about the affair.

Trouble ensues when Jade and David get caught sneaking into a local zoo after hours for fun with some friends. David lets the police catch him so that the others can escape. Jade begs her parents to bail him out of jail, but her father instead shows her a criminal record of David that he dug up on him, exposing a history of violence. Jade is distraught her father has gone to such lengths to break them up and Hugh finally agrees to bail him out if Jade goes for the internship. Hugh tells David that their romance is over, and their tension escalates when David insults Hugh for his cheating and Hugh insults David's father and criminal record. David snaps and punches Hugh. With a bloody face, Hugh goes home and tells them that David is out of control. Desperate for an explanation, Jade confronts David and, after he asks her to trust him despite his secrets, David walks away. Jade accuses him of being a coward and not fighting for their relationship and gets into her car to drive away. As David decides to run after her, she is slammed by another car.

At the hospital, Hugh takes David’s father aside and gives him a restraining order, demanding that David stays away from Jade. David’s father resists, arguing that they’re only kids, but Hugh refuses to hear him. When Jade wakes up, having suffered only minor injuries, she wants to see David. She goes to his house, but his father reluctantly refuses to let her in since it would land his son in prison.

Jade leaves for Brown while David stays in town. They each try to move on with their lives, including seeing other people, but it is clear they are unhappy. Months go by and David runs into Anne in a bookstore. While having coffee together, she tells David that she admired his love for Jade and helps set up a plan for him to meet Jade at the airport when she comes home for the holidays. Anne confronts Hugh about his obsession in ruining David's life. It's then revealed that Hugh sabotaged David's chances for college by making sure Anne's recommendation letter was never sent, and so she voices her disapproval of the man he is becoming. Despite this, Hugh tries to stop David from meeting Jade. Meanwhile, David and Jade successfully meet and re-affirm their love. She agrees to meet him that night to run away with him.

Upon arriving home, Hugh fights with Keith and his girlfriend for being in Chris’s room. Keith and his girlfriend leave and Anne goes with them, having had enough of Hugh's behavior. Jade also has had enough and tells her father that he has been controlling their lives ever since Chris's death and she will not take it anymore. She declares that she wants to live her life the way she wants, with David. Seeing Jade's packed bags in her room, he realizes her plans. Armed with a baseball bat, Hugh sees David waiting for her outside and almost beats him, refusing to lose his daughter to him. However, Jade stops him. Heartbroken over losing his family, he retreats inside as Jade begins to leave alongside David.

Unknown to anyone, a candle has fallen over in Chris’s room during the fight and ignited a fire. As Jade and David are leaving, they see that the house is in flames. Her father desperately tries to collect Chris’s things as David rushes inside to save Hugh. When trying to open a window, he is knocked down and loses consciousness. Hugh sees him and puts down Chris’s belongings and picks up David. They both make it out and reconcile their differences.

The next scene shows Jade and Anne standing at Chris’s grave. Jade’s parents have separated. Hugh drops Jade off at the airport, where she meets David. Jade and David take a flight to California, where Keith and his girlfriend get married. The movie ends with the four of them on the beach as Jade and David lie next to each other. Jade's voice over explains how her first love was everything all at once and is the kind of undying love that is worth fighting for.


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