Saturday, May 16, 2015

Dolphin Tale 2

Sawyer, the boy who was once instrumental in saving "Winter" three years ago, is now an integral employee at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium, and is training new volunteers at the aquarium. We are introduced to a new dolphin named "Mandy." Clearwater Marine Aquarium (CMA) has rescued Mandy after she was stranded near a beach and discovered by a little girl. Mandy has a bad sunburn and some respiratory problems from being stranded in the sun too long with her blowhole mostly exposed. She is being rehabilitated at the aquarium.

Winter has a friend at CMA named Panama. Like Winter, Panama cannot return to the ocean. Panama is deaf and is quite old for a dolphin. She is expected to be at least 40 years old. It is alluded to that Panama has some health issues and it appears by Winter's erratic actions that she is concerned about her dolphin friend. Sawyer is approached by a professor from Boston University about attending an elite SEA Semester program for three months. Only one high school student per year is selected for this program, which takes place on a tall sailing ship and focuses on marine mammal research. It comes with a full scholarship and his family is excited for him to have this opportunity. Sawyer is unsure whether he wants to go, as he is concerned about leaving Winter for an extended period of time.

When Sawyer returns to the aquarium, Panama is lying dead at the bottom of the pool. Her death happened very quickly, but does not come as a complete surprise because of her old age. All employees of CMA are very upset. However, the death is the hardest on Winter. Winter stops eating much and refuses to wear her prosthetic tail. Her health starts to deteriorate for these reasons and tests show she is under stress. An inspector for the USDA comes to visit CMA and check on the animals. He gives Dr. Clay a violation for keeping Winter in isolation and because of her deteriorating health. He issues as requirement that Dr. Clay matches Winter with another female dolphin within 30 days. In the meantime, Winter continues to be very unhappy. When Sawyer attempts to get her out of the tank for a new cast of her tail, Winter becomes aggressive and smacks Sawyer across the face with her rostrum, knocking him in the water. Phoebe jumps in the pool and rescues Sawyer. Winter then returns to floating at the bottom of the platform. The incident leaves Sawyer's wrist injured, and a small bruise on his face. Dr. Clay orders that Sawyer has to take a break from swimming with Winter.

Everyone at CMA stakes their hopes on Winter being paired together with Mandy in order to satisfy the USDA and improve Winter's health. However, Mandy has improved greatly and has a clean bill of health. Dr. Clay says Mandy can be returned to the ocean. Dr. Clay's daughter Hazel is unhappy because she doesn't want Winter to be transferred. She wants Mandy to stay with Winter for a short period of time to keep her from being transferred, even though she can return to the ocean. Dr. Clay makes clear that the goal of CMA is "Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release", thus they cannot morally keep Mandy when she could return to the ocean. He has to make the call to return Mandy to the ocean, even though it becomes clear that doing so will cause CMA to lose Winter. Mandy is returned to the ocean and Hazel steps up to take a key role in her return.

Hazel and Sawyer break Dr. Clay's rule and swim with Winter. The dolphin seems improved and is no longer aggressive. Sawyer and Hazel think she is improving. Dr. Clay then catches them and scold them for swimming with Winter. Knowing he has bigger problems, he changes the subject and tells Hazel and Sawyer that Winter will be transferred to a marine park in Texas. Meanwhile, Sawyer's mom throws a party for him to congratulate him for being chosen to attend SEA Semester. However she wants to push him towards a decision but Sawyer is still too upset about Winter. While Sawyer is sitting outside, Dr. McCarthy sits next to him and gives him a small clock, but due to it sitting around for many years, it requires tapping to continue. Dr. McCarthy uses this as an example and tells Sawyer that he has to "shake it up now and then" and try other things in life.

During the party, Dr. Clay gets a call. A juvenile female dolphin has been rescued and is headed to the hospital. (The hospital shown on screen is not the actual one used by the CMA. The producers used the hospital on film because of its more Floridian look. Though in real life Morton Plant Hospital one of the BayCare facilities was and is still the only hospital group the CMA uses.) Everyone leaves the party and rushes to CMA to prepare for the arriving dolphin. Dr. Clay, Sawyer, Hazel and the trainers know this is the hope to keep Winter at CMA. When the dolphin arrives, it is revealed to be very young and can not return to the ocean since it has not learned to hunt yet. They name the tiny dolphin "Hope." As a humorous side note to the main story, the team also rescues a sea turtle who was stuck some fishing line. A pesky pelican named Rufus seems obsessed with this sea turtle named Mavis. Rufus follows the sea turtle everywhere, even to a hospital for humans where he gets a CT Scan. When Mavis is released into the ocean, Rufus flies over him as the sea turtle swims away.

Dr. Clay gets an extension to keep Winter from being transferred with the addition of Hope at CMA. The first time they put the two dolphins together, Hope's echolocation senses that Winter has no tail and moves differently. This causes Hope to go ballistic and swim at high speeds around the pool. Winter then lashes out at Hope, though it doesn't injure her. The employees then quickly separate the animals.

Dr. McCarthy designed another prosthetic tail for Winter that looks even more realistic than her previous tail. In their second meeting, Winter wears the tail. The two dolphins get along. Everyone rejoices that Winter will get to stay at CMA now that she has a friend (And sister) and will no longer be isolated and lonely. With Winter's improvement, Sawyer decides to go to go to the SEA Semester. Hazel releases balloons for him as he leaves and tells him how much she will miss him.

Before the credits roll, actual footage of Mandy's release, Hope's rescue, and a sea turtle's release is shown. Footage of amputees interacting with Winter is shown as well.


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