Friday, May 15, 2015


Addison (Eric Bana) and Liza (Olivia Wilde) are siblings on the run from a casino heist gone wrong. They decide to split up when their driver is fatally injured in a crash and Addison murders a state trooper responding to the crash scene. Their goal is to cross the Canadian border during a blizzard.

Meanwhile, former boxer Jay (Charlie Hunnam) is released from prison. He calls his parents June (Sissy Spacek) and retired sheriff Chet (Kris Kristofferson) to say he'll be home for Thanksgiving. He confronts his former coach, who had betrayed him, and demands the money the coach owes him. The two get into a fight and Jay inadvertently and seriously injures him. Thinking he has killed him, Jay flees, fearing he will be sent back to jail.

Hannah (Kate Mara), the sheriff's deputy, visits Jay's parents at their home, and they invite her to join them for their Thanksgiving dinner. After returning to the police station, she is treated poorly by her father, sheriff Becker (Treat Williams), who does not want to include her in the hunt for the unknown criminals. She has been accepted to be trained to become an FBI agent, and the station secretary encourages her to live her life and not worry about her father. Hannah is clearly torn and she excuses her father's behavior because of the loss of his wife, even though it was years ago.

While driving, Jay finds a shivering Liza in the road and offers her a ride to the nearest gas station. Meanwhile, wandering in the snow, Addison encounters an elderly man tending to his damaged snowmobile. He attacks the man, who feigns unconsciousness, then slices off Addison's little finger. The two fight until Addison overpowers the man, who is stabbed to death by his knife held in his hand. Addison drives off on the snowmobile, which he later abandons when it stops running, but not before cauterizing his wound on the engine.

Jay and Liza stop at a bar during the blizzard. She sneaks back to his truck to find Jay's address and calls Addison and leaves him a message to meet up there. She returns inside and goofs around with Jay by pretending to be a couple to the server. A romantic relationship develops between Jay and Liza when they share their stories of how they see each other. Liza names Jay "Addison", as earlier he named her "Patricia". They later have sex in a motel.

Meanwhile, Addison invades a cabin near the woods and kills the abusive father of the family. After dumping the man's body, he tends to the distraught wife and her children. He "thinks" while drinking and talking to the oldest child, Lisa, whom he mistakenly called Liza earlier in the evening.

Hannah, gathering information about the crime, performs a duty from a woman who gets concerned for her relative (the mother living in the cabin), who never showed up to her.

Realizing that she has feelings for Jay, Liza calls Addison to say that Jay left her, that she couldn't proceed with the plan and that she'll find another ride. When Jay notices Liza has left, he chases her and confesses his feelings for her. Liza starts by saying it was only a fling in an effort to protect Jay. Liza tells Jay that her brother Addison was her protector from their abusive father, who was killed when they were young. She confides in him how she wants to have a family of her own instead of being messed up.

Hannah and two officers start to investigate the cabin. As one of the officers is knocking on the door, Hannah notices a man's corpse, and realizes the killer the police are searching for is likely still in the cabin. Hannah tries to warn the officer at the door but Addison hears her screamed warning and shoots him with a shotgun through the door. Addison flees on a snowmobile with Hannah and the other officer giving chase, but when the officer is killed in the chase, Hannah calls for back-up.

Addison arrives at Jay's house and holds his parents captive. When Liza and Jay arrive for Thanksgiving dinner, June steps out and tells him about the situation, startling Liza. They all eat dinner together. Addison realizes Liza is involved with Jay when she acts protectively of him and his family. Hannah receives a call from a Detroit detective about Jay's coach who received only a concussion after the fight. She arrives at the house and is also taken captive by Addison.

Becker finds Addison's snowmobile at the house and goes in to investigate. Inside, Becker shoots Addison, who turns out to be his daughter, Hannah, dressed as Addison. Hannah seems unharmed, but Becker is then shot by Addison. A struggle between Jay and Addison ensues outside with Jay overpowering Addison, but releasing him when Liza begs him, reminding Jay that Addison is her brother. Addison points another gun at Jay and challenges Jay about whether he loves Liza, to which Jay says he does. Before Addison can harm Jay, Liza fatally shoots Addison. The police back-up arrive.


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