Saturday, May 16, 2015

Charlie Countryman

Charlie Countryman (Shia LaBeouf) is a normal guy living in Chicago. When his mother (Melissa Leo) dies, he sees her as a spirit and, after asking her what do to with his life, tells him to go to Bucharest for adventure. On the flight, he meets Victor, an elderly man returning home from a Cubbies game, with a hat as a gift for his daughter. Later, Victor dies next to Charlie, who later sees him as a spirit, asking him to deliver his gift to his daughter, which he accepts.

After arriving at the airport, he meets Victor's daughter, Gabi (Evan Rachel Wood), whom he falls instantly in love with. After he gives her Victor's gift, they part. While Charlie is riding in a taxi, he finds Gabi in her car on the side of the road, and she tells him that she can't keep up with the ambulance containing her father's body, and he offers to help catch up to them. They talk, with Gabi saying she plays the cello for the Bucharest opera house. They suddenly cause the ambulance truck to crash and flip over, with Victor's body flying out of it. Gabi leaves the area in another truck, leaving her car with Charlie. He takes the car to the opera house, not before finding a revolver in her bag. He takes her stuff into the opera house and later watches a performance with Gabi in it. Later on, Gabi meets her unstable and chaotic ex-husband, Nigel (Mads Mikkelsen) in a locker room. While they are talking, Gabi spots Charlie walking by, and Nigel questions him, causing Gabi to say that Charlie is a tuba player and is "homosexual". Gabi forces Nigel to leave, and he does so. Gabi then tells Charlie to go to a nearby hotel.

Charlie arrives at the hostel and meets his roommates, Carl (Rupert Grint) and Luke (James Buckley). While they are partying, where Luke spikes Charlie's beer with Carpathian ecstasy, Charlie uses the bathroom and meets Nigel waiting to apologize to him for his behavior earlier, which Charlie accepts. He then sees Gabi walking, and they both go for a run to a nearby subway. After they stop by Victor's favorite cafe, they part, with Gabi telling him that if he finds her the next day, she will kiss him. Charlie, excited, ends up being hit by a car, and imagines Nigel being the one who hit him. It turns out to be a taxi driver who brings him to his hotel. The next day, Charlie wakes up to find out that Carl has taken too much Viagra and got an erection, and they go to a club for medical help for Carl's priapism. The trio are shocked with a bill they are given, and are taken to a room by security and meet Darko (Til Schweiger), a friend of Nigel who questions Charlie of his involvement with Gabi.

After they leave, he meets Gabi and her house for a party honoring Victor, and they go to a room for Gabi to share her kiss. He tells her about Darko, and she warns him of the kind of man he is. After everyone watches home videos of Victor, Nigel finds Charlie there and asks him personally to make his face look like a tuba player's face, and begins wondering if Charlie is really a tuba player. Gabi forces Nigel to leave with her revolver, and does so. After the guests leave, Gabi tells Charlie that she made the mistake of marrying Nigel; he was injured before they married, and he listened to the music she played at the cafe where she grew up playing. After he recovered, he told her that her music made him get better. She then realized that he was a cruel man, but it was too late. Her father (Victor) found a tape to use against Nigel to force him to leave the country, but that plan never worked out. Afterwards, Charlie confesses that he is in love with her, and they end up making love. He then tells her that his mother died, to which she responds that they finally "have something in common."

The next morning, Charlie finds Gabi gone and finds a note telling him to not leave the house. Charlie finds a room filled with tapes, and finds the tape that was meant to be used against Nigel, containing footage of him killing everyone at a dinner table. Charlie then leaves and finds Gabi with Nigel at a restaurant and explains that he "saw the tape." Nigel then beats up Charlie to find out where the tape is, but doesn't. Once Nigel leaves him, the cops arrive and take Charlie away. The police tell him that Gabi doesn't want to see him anymore and that he will be taken to Budapest. He is taken to his hostel to get his belongings, but the hostel owner tells him that men were looking for him. When the men spot him, they chase Charlie to a subway, where he loses them. He returns to Gabi's home to look for the tape, and instead finds Darko there, showing him that Carl and Luke's backs are glued together. Gabi then calls Darko and talks about the tape, leaving Charlie injured.

Charlie waits for Gabi at the opera house, where she tells him that she doesn't want to see him again, and says goodbye. She goes to her car with Nigel, where it is revealed that they have the tape and Gabi had to tell Charlie what she said so life would go on. Charlie, saddened by what she said, once again sees his mother as a spirit, where she tells him that she is proud of him, and hopes he doesn't die, with Charlie saying if he does, he dies "for love." After his mother disappears, he runs to Gabi's car and pulls Nigel out in an attempt to escape. Charlie then attempts to fight him, only to have him knocked unconscious. He then wakes up above a lake hanging upside down by a rope. On a deck, Nigel burns the tape and prepares to shoot Charlie, only to have Gabi do it. She shoots his shirt to make it look like he's dead, and the cops arrive. Charlie is dropped into the lake, presumed dead by Gabi. Nigel commits suicide by cop. Charlie, to Gabi's delight, is revealed to be alive.

The film ends with Carl and Luke finally being separated from the super glue, and Charlie and Gabi finally together in a relationship.


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